Creativity May Be the Single Greatest Weapon Against Heartache

In fact, I know it is.

I know what it’s like to go through heartache, and I also know that you don’t need to be a victim of it. Are you somewhere in the grieving process after the loss of a relationship, loved one, friendship, job, or perhaps even your home?

Tiny pains like harsh remarks, unpleasant street interactions, or a difficult day at work or school could go unnoticed. Then there are the more severe injuries, like being betrayed by a lover, deceived by a friend, or confronted with financial difficulties. Even if you can avoid such pain, ultimately you will experience the agony of disease or death, which can shatter your sense of security.

Emotional scars may persist even after the body has recovered. Every heartbreak leaves you forever changed. When you’re in the depths of heartache, it can feel like you’ll never get your mojo back, and that’s when you need it most. In this article, I’m going to share with you some perspectives on how creativity can help you get back on your game.

According to US News and World Report, studies show that engaging in any creative process is healing. Whether you make a simple drawing or collage, look at art, or talk about it, creativity and the arts can help you:
Ronit Fallek, “The Power of the Creative Arts in Health and Healing” U.S. News & World Report, Sept. 29, 2015,

<a href=””>Image by fxquadro</a> on Freepik

There is so much power in emotions. They enable you to connect with yourself more intimately and with others. By taking the time to observe them rather than simply responding to them, you create endless possibilities for innovation and growth. Creativity can give you back your sense of self and help you find the strength and resilience you need to survive and thrive after heartache.

Creative juices are a soothing balm for heartache and may be the single greatest weapon against heartache. Creative outlets such as music, dance, or poetry can tap directly into your subconscious and provide emotional relief when words fail you. Either seek out creative outlets such as writing, drawing, coloring, or taking photos; anything that focuses your attention outward and away from the internal torment or use that torment in a creative process.

Sean Grover L.C.S.W., Psychology Today, “How to Heal Your Broken Heart”, September 5, 2022,

According to the backstories and lyrics provided by many artists, some of the world’s finest artwork, including paintings, sculptures, and songs, were inspired by sadness. Ask Mary J. Blige, No Doubt, Toni Braxton, or Gloria Gaynor about it (don’t you dare act I’m the only person who has sung “I Will Survive” at the top of my lungs while getting over a breakup or disappointment)! These artists spun their heartache into platinum records because so many of us could relate to the painful poetry of their lyrics, and the release in their war cries and resolve to heal (Mary J. Blige has no idea how many car karaoke and bathroom shower backup singers she has for “Not Gon’ Cry”)!

Letting those feelings out through creative expression can be immensely healing. There is so much power in emotions. They enable you to connect with yourself more intimately and with others. By taking the time to observe them rather than simply responding to them, you create endless possibilities for innovation and growth. Creativity can give you back your sense of self and help you find the strength and resilience you need to survive and thrive after heartache.

Whichever way you choose to engage creatively, remember that the creative process itself promotes health and healing, and the most important thing is to experiment and enjoy. Creativity heals. Every time you express something you care about; you feel a sense of control and joy. Even when times are tough, creativity amplifies your feelings and helps you overcome challenges. Express yourself! Art heals!

Let’s talk about it! How do you use your creativity to navigate the Grieving Process after heartache?